Friday, September 1, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I'm just a bit behind the eight ball on this, but really needed to take the time to reflect on what I have to be grateful for
It's been an emotional week
God is showing me His grace
Paul prayed for the Ephesians that they would know the hope of God's calling.  It's a prayer I've echoed for myself and those around me for years.  Sometimes that knowledge can get tangled up in life's events and I can begin to lose my way; lose the confidence of knowing why God has me here
But it's never really been about me, it is about trusting God
HE is deserving of all praise
HE is sovereign over all
HE is Lord and King
HE has the name above all names
HE is good
HE is faithful
HE holds the keys to set us free
HE is light, and He called this sinner out of darkness into His glorious light and now invites me to walk in the light and enjoy fellowship with Him
I sure don't know the path ahead; I'm not even guaranteed tomorrow.  But I do know that God, who holds all my tomorrows promises to walk that path with me.  And I know that at the end of my tomorrows there is one eternal day awaiting me in His presence!
For that I am extremely thankful.
And my prayer is that you have that same confidence; not in yourself, but in the God who made you and calls you to come and find all your fulfillment in HIM

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