Sitting here this evening, reflecting on all I have to be thankful for
I've been chosen by God to be a part of His family
He has adopted me and given me His Spirit
I have experienced abundant grace and compassion
I am loved by the creator of the universe
He has shown me favor by allowing me to find a wife who loves me and supports me faithfully
I woke up this morning with life and breath and energy to fulfill my work
all of my limbs work
as I write this, I have a comfortable couch to sit on
I got to speak with a dear friend this evening, and discuss plans for meeting up at the end of May (haven't seen him in 7 years)
I have a piano in my home and God has given me a gift in playing it
In a few minutes I will go crawl into a bed that allows me to sleep and be refreshed
I have hope, knowing God is in control, and has already written the end of the story
I have no need to be afraid
I have kids who love me most of the time (even when I make foolish maneuvers)
I have a vehicle to drive instead of having to walk everywhere or ride a bike or scooter
I have plenty to eat
after working hard all day in a dirty environment, I was able to come home and take a nice hot shower and get cleaned up
On the inside, I've experienced God's cleansing
His word tells me that Jesus' blood cleanses me from all my sin
So, there's no room for grumbling or complaining here
only time for gratitude
It's a choice I make, not once and done, but moment by moment
How about you? What will you choose?
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