Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Tomorrow is Good Friday

It certainly turned out good for me

but it was anything but good for Jesus.

He was beaten and abused, falsely accused, and then nailed to a cross

The physical agony was nothing compared to what He was about to face

As He hung between earth and heaven, bearing our sin as the Passover Lamb

God, His heavenly Father, with whom He had always enjoyed perfect unity, turned His face away,

unable to look at Him because of the sin

In that moment, in anguish, Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

But He knew!  It was the sole purpose for which He had come to earth.

Through His death and resurrection, He brought salvation and redemption to all who believe

On this Thursday

I'm so very thankful  God loved me enough to sacrifice His Son in order that I might have life

I'm thankful Jesus was obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross

I'm thankful He experienced the wrath of God against my sin so I wouldn't have to

I'm thankful new and abundant life is a reality for me and for all who receive Him

I'm thankful for God's mercy which is new every morning

I'm thankful for His holiness and righteousness

I'm thankful for grace

I'm thankful I don't have to somehow try to be good enough to approach this holy God

it would be impossible

any righteousness I could cobble together would fall way short

I'm thankful for the joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus

I'm thankful Sunday is coming!

thankful Jesus isn't still dead

thankful for an empty grave

thankful Jesus is ALIVE!

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