Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday

I had a chance to sit down at the piano this evening

the first song I played was Hallelujah What a Savior

it starts out, "Friend of sinners, what a name..."

I'm so thankful Jesus is a friend of sinners like me

thankful He was willing to shed His blood as payment for sin's penalty

thankful He came from heaven to rescue mankind from their sin

He was our ransom

I also played and sang There Is a Fountain

"and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains"!

I'm grateful for the cleansing power of Christ's blood

it is only His blood that brings healing and hope

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

I'm thankful for the truths expressed in some of these old hymns

and thankful for some time to reflect on those truths

I often find myself whistling some of these tunes as I work

it helps me maintain focus

I'm thankful for truth

in a world that tries hard to deny the existence of absolute truth

I'm thankful for the firm foundation God provides as I embrace His truth

thankful Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life..."

all my hope is in Him!

I broke a tooth last night.  That was a painful experience!

I'm thankful the dentist was able to fit me into his schedule today

my mouth is a bit sensitive, but I'm thankful the process of repair has been started

I told a friend I always wanted a crown!

now I'll have one, but it won't be very visible.

Scripture tells me that one day we will cast all our crowns at Jesus feet

I know this crown isn't what that refers to, but it makes me think of that day

thankful for the hope that one day I will bow before my King and proclaim Him Lord of all

He is worthy of all honor and glory

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