life is an adventure
that's what I like to say
and typically I enjoy adventure
the thrill of experiencing new things is usually exciting
sometimes though the adventure becomes a bit overwhelming
I'm thankful I don't walk this road of life alone
I'm grateful God is always present
I may not see Him with my physical eyes, but the evidence of His presence is undeniable
I saw His artistic hand in the sunset this evening
and a few times recently He rescued me from injuries that could have resulted from my carelessness
God reveals Himself in answered prayers
He is a generous provider
I see Him in the faces of friends He has given me who journey with me through life
I'm very thankful God's ears are always open to my cries
thankful He is intimately acquainted with all my ways
whether I'm sitting or standing
walking aimlessly or sprinting full speed ahead
God is there
I'm thankful He directs my path
grateful for His influence on my thought processes
I'm thankful God has all my days numbered
there's nothing that catches Him by surprise
I'm thankful God is all knowing, all powerful, all loving
thankful He is a rescuer of sinners
I'm thankful God has overcome death and the grave
thankful He sent Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sin of all who believe
Scripture tells me that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance
so thankful for God's amazing grace that saved this wretched sinner