Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

This week has had its ups and downs

but one thing I've often said, and been convinced of through my life experiences is that there is always something for which I can be thankful

no matter the circumstances, regardless of how dark and bleak things may look, in spite of trying times and crushing weights

God is good all the time

and He continues to extend His grace to me in multiple ways

my common response when someone asks how I'm doing is, "Better than I deserve."

I don't say that lightly. I know what Scripture says

"The wages of sin is death..."

and like everyone else on this planet, I am a sinner, and as such I deserve death

so the fact that I'm alive and breathing and able to hear your question means that I'm doing better than I deserve

when I responded that way to a nurse this afternoon, she paused and then asked, "Really?"

sitting there, with my thumb encased in gauze and medical tape, I could honestly say, "YES!"

I'm thankful to still have a thumb on my left hand

it's a bit damaged at the moment, and will probably be a long time in healing, but I'm very grateful it is still attached and mostly functional

a bit of back story: Monday morning my thumb decided to tangle with my table saw blade. The blade won!

I'm thankful it just took off the end of my thumb, and didn't affect the fingernail or cut into the bone at all

on the up side, early Wednesday morning, we received a call from our daughter letting us know that our second grandson had arrived.  What wonderful news!

children are a blessing from the Lord, and I'm thankful God showered blessing on Carl and Allison by giving them another child to love and care for

I'm thankful I will get to meet William Owen Eldredge Sunday evening

my lawn mower decided it was tired and quit running on Saturday

my friend, Dean, stopped in this evening 

I'm thankful for the friends God has given me

they all contribute to my life in some way

as we were talking, I mentioned that I couldn't get my lawn mower to start and was describing what it was doing

we strolled around to the back of the house, and after a bit of tinkering, the mower started!

now I can mow my yard before we leave on our trip to Missouri!

while we messed with the mower, we also were able to talk about what's going on in our lives

I'm grateful I can share life with others, that I'm not on some kind of solo journey

God has given to me abundantly, not only what I need, but also much of what I want

I'm thankful for His patience and steadfast love for me

I'm thankful He doesn't deal with me as my sin deserves

I'm thankful God gives and sustains life!

I am a blessed man   

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday

for a number of years now, I have struggled with my vision

having one eye that is always sending a blurred image to the brain while the other one tries to bring clarity to the situation presents some unique challenges

and for the past year, reading had become very difficult to the point where I avoided it as much as possible

but after visiting my eye doctor last week and making some changes in my glasses prescription, I ordered new glasses

they arrived on Tuesday, and I'm delighted with the improvement

the simplest way I can put it is that I can now tell the difference between a comma and a semi-colon

I'm thankful to be reading again without the strain

I'm thankful for the report that my right eye is stable and not continuing to deteriorate

I'm thankful God gives wisdom to doctors to know how to help 

I won't ever have perfect vision until I get my new glorified body on the other side

but for now I'm grateful for some improvement

I'm thankful for Jesus, who opens the eyes of the blind

in a small way I can identify with physical blindness

but in a larger way I understand the blinding influence of the devil

he comes to deceive, kill and destroy any who would choose to follow Christ

I'm thankful I am held in the hand of the creator of the universe

He is my Rock and my Deliverer

He is my Refuge

I'm thankful God's mercies are new every morning

I'm thankful God is a provider

He knows all my needs even better than I know myself

I'm thankful God gives strength to the weak

thankful He gives rest to the weary

I'm thankful God has clothed me in His righteousness

I know that if I had to count on my own good deeds, I'd drown in a heartbeat

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday


I've been spending time in Psalm 71 this week

There so much truth in this passage to be thankful for

I'm thankful God is my refuge and my rescuer

I'm thankful there's no need to feel shame in that

although some people would consider faith a crutch, they have no idea the blessing they are missing out on by disregarding faith

I'm thankful God has a listening ear, He hears when I call out to Him

I'm thankful God provides a place for me to which I can always come

I'm thankful God gives me hope and confidence

I'm grateful He is the One who sustains my life

I'm thankful God is full of righteousness

thankful He gives salvation to those who trust in Him

I'm thankful God is my teacher

I'm thankful God revives me, that He picks me up when I stumble

I'm thankful God is my comforter

These truths cause me to offer up praise to God

they put a song in my heart

they give me opportunity to proclaim His greatness

I'm thankful God gives me opportunities to tell of His glory

to speak of His mercy and grace

just the other day, I had an occasion to engage with a coworker in a discussion about goodness

he was of the opinion that some sins are unforgivable

I asked Him where he would draw that line

I'm thankful God saw my need and sent Jesus to redeem me from my wickedness

as I conversed with my coworker, I expressed to Him how desperately I am in need of a Savior

I'm thankful God poured out His wrath on Jesus rather than me

so grateful for grace and mercy