Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thankful Thursday

I recently finished up my study through the gospels which took most of 2018 and began reading through Acts
It has been interesting reading about the early church and to see how the disciples were affected by the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit
they became bold in proclaiming truth and able to show compassion through the gifting of the Spirit
I'm thankful for the growth that came through the message of salvation
It allowed Christianity to spread throughout the inhabited world
I'm thankful God continues to pour out His Spirit on those who believe
I'm thankful God loves His bride, the church
I'm thankful for the message of redemption we have been given
I'm thankful God continues to bring reconciliation, and grateful He is a changer of hearts
As I near the end of another year, and reflect on what I've seen God do this past year, I'm very thankful for the ways He has brought change in my life--physically, spiritually, and emotionally
Never would have guessed at this time last year I would be where I am
But I'm grateful for the people He has brought across my path this year
I'm thankful for His gift of forgiveness, and the ways He has challenged me to be repentant and seek forgiveness as well as extend forgiveness to others
I'm praying for greater boldness in 2019
Christmas is a reminder of God's amazing gift to the world in sending His Son to be our Savior
I'm thankful God knows my need, and is not slow to respond to my needs.
I'm thankful for Jesus' life and ministry as He walked this earth.
Thankful for His promise that His followers would continue that work
I'm thankful for new opportunities He is opening up for me, and thankful for my wife who continues to be my cherished companion and ministry partner.
In 2 days, we will celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary.  By God's grace we have weathered life's storms together.  I'm thankful for the love that continues to grow in our relationship. 
I'm grateful for the joy He gives us in this journey.  Family is a major contributing factor to that joy.  And I'm thankful for the joyful moments we have shared as a family throughout the year, but especially in these last couple weeks as we celebrate Jesus together.
I'm thankful God's amazing grace knows no limits and His mercies are new every morning!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for holidays
It's an opportunity for families to gather
I'm thankful to have most of my family here in our home again
and thankful my daughter, Abigail, will be arriving with her boyfriend soon as well
I'm thankful for meaningful and challenging conversations with my kids
thankful for the way they are processing life and examining issues
I'm thankful for the shared interest in woodworking I have with my son, Adam, and for time together in the shop
I'm thankful for bonding time with my grandson, Hudson.  We took a nap together this afternoon!
I'm thankful for music, and the chance to play and sing together as a family
I'm thankful for a warm and dry house.  It's been a rainy, dreary day, but inside there's been a lot of warmth, love, and laughter
I'm thankful for Jesus, the priceless gift we celebrate at Christmas
Thankful He humbled Himself to become a man and live among sinful people
Thankful He gave us an example of how we ought to live

Thankful He went to the cross, becoming the sacrificial Lamb in payment for my sin

Thankful He lives today, exalted on high, worshiped by the angels

Thankful for the hope that He has promised to return to take us to our eternal home

Thankful for grace, the means to my salvation

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes God has to protect me from my own stupidity!
And I am so thankful for His intervention
He knows my needs before I even ask
He understands that there are times when I don't know I need to ask
Yesterday was an example of this, and I am so grateful God had me covered
I made some purchases at Home Depot
One of the items was a 12' section of handrail
Upon getting out to my vehicle, the handrail, which was on top of my pile of purchases went up on top of my extension ladder on the roof of my van
I planned to strap it down after I loaded the other items into the van
That didn't happen
Out of sight, out of mind
I proceeded to drive to my jobsite, about 5 miles away, in the city
I worked there for 45 minutes or so, and then headed to my next site
I jumped on the turnpike for 6 miles or so, driving 70 mph
When I arrived at that site, I began unloading my materials
It was at that point that I remembered the handrail, and realized that I had not strapped it down as I had intended to do.
With a bit of fear, I looked up at the ladder where I had placed it
There it sat, just where I put it, with nothing but God's hand holding it in place
To say that I was thankful is very much an understatement
In those brief seconds before I saw it was still there, I had visions of it flying off and hitting a vehicle behind me, possibly going through someone's windshield
The end result could have been terrible, but God reminded me that He was there, watching over my circumstances like always, and on this occasion, sparing me from the pain of causing any kind of damage to anyone or anything other than my pride
I'm thankful for those times when God introduces humility in gentle ways
I'm thankful for His reminders of how desperately I need Him
He is faithful; I am grateful!
another area of God's faithfulness is His ongoing willingness to forgive
I've been challenged with my need for repentance recently as I read through the gospel of Luke
I'm very thankful that Jesus came "to save His people from their sins."
I'm thankful for the forgiveness that results when I confess my sin
and I know agreeing with God about my sin is an area I need growth in
I can come up with lots of excuses for not repenting, but as the psalmist said, keeping silent about my sin just compounds the consequences and makes me miserable
I'm thankful for the healing that results from acknowledgement
I'm thankful for the cleansing blood of Jesus and for the opportunity to now walk in the light with God because of His death on the cross
Thankful that I can experience the newness of life offered to me because Jesus died and rose again
Thankful that someday I will see Him face to face, and worship Him forever
Until that day, may I be faithful to worship Him in my everyday experiences
Just this evening, I was asked why I write these Thankful Thursday posts.
I referred to the 10 lepers who came to Jesus for cleansing.  When they experienced that cleansing on their way to the priest, one returned to express his gratitude.  Jesus response was to ask where the other 9 were.
I don't want to be guilty of being one of the 9
This leper has experienced cleansing in so many ways, and I want to continually remind myself of the many things I have to be grateful for.
I'm just one leper letting other lepers know I know Who deserves the credit for my cleansing