Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday

As I pause this evening it is with a grateful heart

is all well in the world? No

Is life filled with hope? Yes!

do I believe God is sovereign and in control? YES! 

There certainly are things happening around me that would make it easy to have a complaining spirit

but why waste my time with something that causes defeat?

I choose rather to focus on the blessings and express my thanks to God who rules over all

I'm thankful He woke me up this morning, giving me life and breath

I'm thankful God has provided a job I can go to each day

I'm thankful for work that I enjoy and good people to work with

I'm thankful for food to eat; I've never personally experienced hunger the way many in poverty stricken areas do

and this evening when I got home from work, my wife and I processed corn for our freezer! That will be much appreciated when we get into the colder months of the year

I'm thankful for our piano and the opportunity to play and sing praise

I'm thankful God is an artist

and I'm thankful He has given me eyes to be able to enjoy the beauty He creates

I'm thankful God is near, that He desires for me to seek Him

I'm thankful God is compassionate and caring

thankful He is tender-hearted

I'm thankful God knows my needs, but still invites me to express those needs in prayer

I'm thankful God sets the example for resting

thankful He created my body to be refreshed by sleep

I'm thankful God never grows weary or tired

that He is the giver of strength to the weak

I'm thankful God is forgiving and merciful

I'm thankful for His grace

1 comment:

    Excellent focus of thanks to GOD for the many blessings which only HE can provide. You are a special blessing to me.
    Love, Dad
