Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday

A wise man once said, "There is an appointed time for everything."

The last few months have been a time for investing a lot of time and energy into family;

supporting Dad and Mom as they experience transition in their living situation

hosting brothers as they came into town to assist with the changes

hosting our daughter and grandson 

walking through struggles with our kids

I'm thankful God has provided resources to be able to do these things

If we tried to accomplish them in our own strength, it certainly would have been a fiasco

But He gives grace and peace and rest

I'm very thankful for His abiding presence

I'm also thankful that a time has come for some R&R

I'm looking forward to getting away for a few days with my wonderful wife

I'm thankful we enjoy spending time together and thankful God has opened up this opportunity

As I spoke with a friend this afternoon, and learned of some discouraging news he received recently, I was reminded that Jesus told us,  "In the world you have tribulation,"

I'm thankful He gave me that heads up

and I'm thankful He didn't stop there, but went on to say, "but take courage; I have overcome the world."

I'm thankful God walks with me at all times, including those situations where trouble seems to be mounting quickly

I'm grateful He gives peace and comfort

I'm thankful I have a standing invitation to come to Him when the burdens are overwhelming

I'm thankful there is a time for rest

and grateful He gives rest to the weary

I'm thankful God never grows weary or tired; He never slumbers or sleeps, but is always watchful

and I'm thankful that although this life is filled with struggle, I have a hope from God that one day I will be in His presence, worshiping Him, free from all pain and turmoil

He is worthy of all praise!

I'm forever grateful I am His child

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