Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday

It has been a few weeks since I wrote a Thankful Thursday blog

I even missed last week, Thanksgiving Thursday

But not because I haven't had much to be thankful for

Circumstances hindered me from sitting down and putting my thoughts in writing

But I've given a lot of thought about gratitude

and last week, as I sat around the dinner table with all of my kids and my grandson, I had the opportunity to express verbally some of that gratitude

my wife and I had the chance to spend Thanksgiving out in Missouri, where our family gathered to celebrate

one of the things we were celebrating was our younger daughter's marriage, so I'm thankful I now have two sons-in-law

the family God has blessed me with is growing!

I'm thankful for time

I recently heard a story about a father who when asked by his daughter how to spell love, responded "Love is spelled T-I-M-E

and getting to spend time with my family last week was definitely an expression of love, in both directions

my son-in-law Carl was telling me about a professor who asked his class what they were thankful for about Jesus

As I think about that question, I want that to be the focus of this post

I'm thankful Jesus is alive; He conquered death and the grave

I'm thankful Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for me

I'm thankful Jesus came to earth and lived as the God-man

I'm thankful that although He was tempted in every way I am, Jesus resisted temptation and lived a perfect life

I'm thankful Jesus was an acceptable sacrifice, once and for all paying the penalty for sin

I'm thankful for His submission to the Father's will in going to the cross and experiencing separation from the Father

I'm thankful Jesus gave me an example of love to follow

I'm thankful Jesus is full of compassion, thankful He expresses emotion

it gives me permission to also express emotion without any sense of shame

I'm thankful Jesus is the Bread of life, satisfying my hunger, meeting my needs

I'm thankful Jesus is a gentle shepherd, caring diligently for His flock

I'm thankful Jesus knows me fully; He is intimately acquainted with all my ways

I'm thankful Jesus promises to always be with me

I'm thankful Jesus will one day return; thankful I will see Him face to face and bow before Him acknowledging that He is Lord and King

I'm thankful Jesus shines through others; as I gaze at Him, He is reflected in my words and actions

I'm thankful Jesus understands my fears and my weaknesses

I'm thankful Jesus still says, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid!"

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