Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday

I had a special surprise this week
When my wife and I got up last Saturday morning, we discovered our son's truck in the driveway
He had driven home from North Carolina Friday night and spent the week here with us.
He left this morning to resume his serving with ReachGlobal Crisis Response
I'm thankful for the time we got to spend together, working on a project for his truck, having meaningful conversations, and just hanging out
I'm thankful he had safety over the many miles of highways coming and going
God tells us in His word that children are a blessing from Him
I'm thankful He has blessed me with two daughters and a son, and also a son-in-law
God also says finding a wife is a good thing and a symbol of His favor
I'm thankful for the expression of God's favor my wife, Chris, is in my life
I was talking with a good friend today, and both of us expressed how grateful we are for our wives, and how hard it is to imagine life without them
I'm thankful for friends who speak truth into my life and encourage me in keeping a proper perspective
I want to maintain a grateful heart
I know too many people who lack joy in their lives because their focus is on what they don't have, or what didn't happen, etc.
I know there are disappointments in life.  Everyone, including myself, experiences them.
But I have a choice on whether I make them the focus of my attention or merely acknowledge them and shift my thoughts back to the God who loves me and expressed that love by sending His Son to be the Savior of the world
I'm thankful He has forgiven me
thankful He rescued me out of darkness and allows me to walk in His light
I'm thankful I'm in a relationship with God and not just practicing some religious dos and don'ts
I'm thankful for the privilege of prayer, grateful His ears are always open to my cries
I'm thankful God delights in reconciling people to Himself!

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